Happy Independence Day, Lucy!
Hi Lucy,
I am thinking of you while prepping for the 10th Annual Grammie June ‘MERICA party. It looks like perfect weather for lots of fireworks Saturday night. It rained very good overnight so the forest will have some moisture to help ward off any stray sparks.
Liam has outgrown his John Deere boots but he & his Mom still attend every year. I would love for you to be there, of course. Whether you are near or far, I am always thinking about you and waiting for the day I see you. Vinnie would love to see you, too. I posted a picture of him in his new 4th of July bandana. He just got groomed yesterday and still sporting his mohawk. I also posted one of my favorite pics of you & your most beautiful smile (plus there is a flag in the picture for added bonus).
I love you. I miss you and will see you very soon.