Happy 21st Birthday, Lucy!
Hi Sweetie,
I’ve been thinking about you all day, wondering what you are doing on this milestone anniversary of your birth. This date 21 years ago, when you were born, you made me my most important role. You made me a Mom, which I am forever grateful.
I know you are surrounded by friends, celebrating you. I have a suspicion you also surrounded yourself with dogs & horses today. Am I close? Is chocolate still a preferred cake choice?
Some interesting facts that occurred in 2003: Finding Nemo was the #1 movie, American Idol was ranked #2 for TV shows, Apple launched iTunes, Funny Cide won the Kentucky Derby and Taylor Swift turned 13.
I’m including some photos of Caroline’s 21st birthday celebration. She sends her best birthday wishes to you as well as the numerous wishes I received from family and friends that texted me wishes to you today. Other photos I included are from your 16th birthday, our plane ride to Italy (we do not look comfortable at all, but your American Girl doll is resting nicely in her own seat Lol) and, of course, I must include some Vinnie photos.
I’m here if you need anything.
I Love You!
ps this probably will post tomorrow so we’ll have to roll with the date 🙂