Lucy Peterson



Hi Lucy! I've been reading articles & research on the brain and specifically Neuroplasticity. I thought this brain science may interest you. Here is an interesting article relating meditation and neuroplasticity with several reference ...

Happy 21st Birthday, Lucy!

Hi Sweetie, I've been thinking about you all day, wondering what you are doing on this milestone anniversary of your birth. This date 21 years ago, when you were born, you made me my most ...

Happy Independence Day, Lucy!

Hi Lucy, I am thinking of you while prepping for the 10th Annual Grammie June 'MERICA party. It looks like perfect weather for lots of fireworks Saturday night. It rained very good overnight so ...

Today on Mother’s Day

Hi Lucy, Today I choose Gratitude. Gratitude that because of you I am a Mother & celebrate today. I planted the garden today while Vinnie alternated between hanging out in the shade and playing ...

Vinnie & his pals

Hi Lucy, Check out Vinnie and the neighborhood gang. Big Bailey, the Sheepadoodle, was Vinnie's best buddy but now she is training to go into hospitals as a therapy dog so she can't run with ...

15 new Clydesdale foals

Hi Lucy, Warm Springs Ranch has 15 new foals. I attached some adorable photos for you. I wondered if you have been there. So many cute foals. I thought you'd like to see the ...


Hi Lucy! How about meeting at Starbucks? How about the one by Straubs? or maybe Clayton & Lindberg? Tell me when and I'll be there. Let's just meet even if it's just for ...

Happy Valentine's Day, Lucy! I'm sending you a simple wish of Love on this Valentine's Day! I am celebrating you today and always. I love you! Mom

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