Lucy Peterson



Lucy, I am here to support you in your authentic dreams of your future and in your healing support. Whatever that entails for you, know that I am here for you. Paths in life ...

Interesting Article

Hi Lucy, I came across an article on Equine Emotions which led me to this really interesting research article. It is the research study and findings and I thought of you. I hope you enjoy ...

Happy Birthday Lucy!

Dear Lucy, Happy Birthday to you! 19 years in...whew! I am posting your card, cake & flowers here for you to enjoy. I'll be home all day so that you know you can come ...

Cabbage head update

Hey Lucy! I was in NYC last week (blog on that coming very soon!) and I came home to a very happy Vinnie boy and my garden exploding, in a good way! I went immediately to "your" ...

Horses of courses

Hi Lucy, I came across this Equine program & thought of you.  It’s an online class in Equine biology, nutrition and care, through Post University. Here is the link: I hope you get a chance to ...
Lucy Peterson

Mother’s Day

Hi Lucy, It's because of you that I celebrate Mother's Day, so tomorrow I will reverse engineer & celebrate you! I celebrate the years, the weeks and the very moments of time that brought me ...


Hi Lucy! I've been getting all the seed catalogs in the's garden planning time & it reminds me of our annual garden rituals. I may plant a giant cabbage in your honor - I ...


Hi Lucy, On this day 2 years ago, I sat with you, right next to you on the couch. I finally felt your physical presence. That day and the next days to come were magical, beautiful. ...

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